A great customer experience for our members results in higher customer referral rates and member satisfaction.
It is our responsibility to make the connection with our community. A great customer experience for our members results in higher customer referral rates and member satisfaction. It drives loyalty and improves customer retention. Delivering a standout customer experience can also create a valuable competitive advantage and be a differing factor that sets our club apart from others.
Remember that you’re one of the club’s most important assets. As the Concierge Team, you’re the gatekeeper, but you’re also charged with giving members their first taste of the FIT Lane Cove culture. By projecting a professional, capable demeanour, you imply that members’ experience with the club will be world class.
Greet all members loud and clear. Do not mumble your salutations. Saying “Good morning”, “Good afternoon” or “Good evening” (according to the right time of the day) in a steady, audible tone imparts an air of capability sure to be appreciated by all members visiting the club.
Always look up from your screen to greet members on arrival and on leaving the club. Every time we speak to a member it needs to be polite, professional, friendly and engaging.
Refrain from using informal greetings such as “hi” “hey” “g’day”