These are the three main areas of Hubspot that you would be working within on a daily basis.
This is one of the most important areas when working in the Concierge team. This is where you will find all the tasks allocated to you during your shift. The tasks are primarily set up to assist you in converting prospects into members. The tasks are triggered off the back of the lead status and the workflows that have been created.
You will also find tasks that relate back to new members including follow up tasks to check in on how a new member's experience has been.
Within some of the steps in acquiring new members there may be times when a new task is created that requires action on the part of the Concierge Team.
You can find these tasks within CRM > Tasks.
The INBOX (Conversations > Inbox) will replace your day to day use of Gmail. The email address has been connected to the inbox and any emails that are sent out from the inbox either as a new composed email or a response to a prospect/member email.
Similar to a help desk found with larger businesses, we have set up a ticket system (Service > Tickets) that list all CANCELLATION REQUESTS linked to their particular contact (ie. Member). This is where you will be able to action and close the tickets. You can see these tickets attached to the contact (right side of screen).