Lead Status

The lead journey is marked by the Lead Status that your contact goes through during their journey from being a prospective through to member.

You’ll see a contact’s lead status within the contact page (bottom left). When a prospect enters the funnel, this is where the concierge team will control the prospect's status. 

By changing the Lead Status a series of automations will happen in the backend that will update the other elements. 

  • New Prospect - first stage upon completing a form.
  • Tour Booked - the prospect has a tour booked.
  • Tour Completed - the prospect has completed a tour.
  • Became a Member - the prospect has joined FIT.
  • Cancelled - the member has cancelled their membership.
  • Not Interested/Unsubscribe - has requested to be removed from all future comms.


Until a prospective becomes a member, this is where our concierge team will manage the lead’s status/stage. 

By changing the Lead Stage the contact’s lifecycle stage, lead stage and contact activity will update automatically. 


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