- All classes in EXHALE are 50mins duration. This is not negotiable as it allows for the next point below.
- We have allowed 10 minutes transition time between classes. This is to allow outgoing members sufficient time to wipe all equipment used once their class is complete and incoming members sufficient time to pre-wipe again before starting your class.
- We require all instructors to perform a surface wipe of all equipment used through the class, between outgoing members and incoming members (ie in the transition time between classes). All necessary cleaning and safety equipment will be provided to you in the studio.
- This means that our policy is that we require each piece of equipment used in class to be cleaned at least 3 times between each session (but just once by you).
- We have placed markers on the floor where members’ mats may be placed so that the 1.5m social distancing rule is easy to manage for you during class. Please also always be mindful of your social distancing requirements with regards to members throughout the class.
- Shared equipment (bolsters/blocks) must have a towel cover and cleaned.
The following protocol should be adhered to when FIT Lane Cove staff are on site:-
The nominated person responsible for managing the evacuation of the Club in case of fire is the concierge staff that are on shift.
- Staff will notify instructors and members when to evacuate. If you are teaching at the time of the alarm being activated, remain teaching until the concierge staff notify you to evacuate the Studio.
- All staff and patrons using the facility will evacuate the premises via the shortest route to an emergency exit.
- Once out of the building assemble at the designated Assembly Area 1 - pedestrian mall (Village Green) at the front of Market Square. See picture below for meeting point. Please do not assemble outside of FIT entrance door on ground level, direct members to Assembly Area 1 or 2.
- The all clear will be given once the authorities have cleared the building and the concierge staff advises you that you may return to the facility.
The following protocol should be adhered to in the absence of concierge staff (i.e. when the club is unstaffed):
- If you are teaching at the time of the alarm sounding, stop teaching immediately and see if you can visibly detect the fire in the premises. If fire is present, call the emergency services on 000.
- All patrons using the facility will evacuate the premises via the shortest route to an emergency exit or via the entry doors.
- Once out of the building assemble at the designated Assembly Area 1 - pedestrian mall (Village Green) at the front of Market Square. See picture below for meeting point. Please do not assemble outside of FIT entrance door on ground level, direct members to Assembly Area 1 or 2.
- The all clear will be given once the authorities have cleared the building and you may return to the facilities.
Incident Reports
A record of any first aid treatment given to a member or yourself should be recorded on the incident report form and reported to the concierge team to assist reviewing first aid arrangements and to check on the welfare of the member. First aid treatment records are subject to requirements under Health Records legislation.
In any instance where an injury or first aid assistance is required the following must take place:
- Report the incident immediately to the concierge staff. If neither are present then the most senior employee must be informed.
- Assess the incident and or injury, call on medical assistance if necessary and apply First Aid where possible. Remember that you must always look at the dangers around the incident and ensure no further people can be harmed before proceeding with First Aid. Always get consent before providing First Aid.
- Complete an incident report form. These are kept on the wall at the first response board.
- Return completed form to the concierge staff.
Incident Report Form
* If required you must use the emergency intercom or dial emergency services 000 immediately. |
Date of Injury |
Time of Injury |
am pm |
Name of injured person |
Telephone |
Email address |
Nature of injury |
Near Miss First Aid Medical Other (ie. Cut, sprain, fracture, safety) If Other, please specify |
Activity in which the person was engaged at the time of injury |
Exact site location where the injury occurred |
Was there any equipment involved? If so, please identify equipment piece(s) |
Body location of injury (indicate location of injury on the diagram) |
What first aid management was applied, if any |
Name of Treating person |
Was an ambulance called? |
Yes No |
Were any duress tags or emergency intercom buttons used? |
Yes No |
WITNESS TO THE INCIDENT OR INJURY (each witness may need to provide an account of what happened): |
Witness name |
Witness contact |
Witness name |
Witness contact |
DETAILS OF THE INCIDENT (eg property, security, plant or environmental damage) |
Date of Incident |
Time of Incident |
am pm |
Location of Incident |
Details of damage to equipment or property |
Name of person who received the report |
Telephone |
IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTIONS (eg. Barricades, isolation of power) to stabilise the situation |
Name of person completing this form |
Telephone |
I/We confirm that the details reported in this form are complete and correct: |
Signature of injured person or person reporting an incident |
Signature of Witness / Assisting injured person or incident |
* You are required to complete this form then leave completed form in the drop box located at the First Response station. |
Date form received |
Time form received |
am pm |
Reported to club manager? Yes No |
Provide details (when, reported to and reported by): |
Reported to authorities? Yes No |
Provide details (when, reported to and reported by): |
Reported to insurer? Yes No |
Provide details (when, reported to and reported by): |
First Response Station – First Aid Kit & Defibrillators
You have a duty to take reasonable care for your own health and safety and must not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons. You must comply with any reasonable instruction and cooperate with any reasonable policy or procedure relating to health and safety at the workplace, such as procedures for first aid and for reporting injuries and illnesses.
The first aid kit is located on the first response board on level 1 just outside the Kids Club. It is accessible to all staff and members.
First Aid Kit Contents
The first aid kit provides basic equipment for administering first aid for injuries including:
- cuts, scratches, punctures, grazes and splinters
- muscular sprains and strains
- minor burns
- amputations and/or major bleeding wounds
- broken bones
- eye injuries
- shock.
Restocking and maintaining the kit
The first aid kit is replenished every quarter. They ensure that items are in good working order, have not deteriorated and are within their expiry dates and that sterile products are sealed and have not been tampered with.
Other first aid equipment - Automatic defibrillators
In addition to first aid kit the club has two automatic defibrillators, one on level 2 in Studio One and one on level 1 on the first response board. Automatic defibrillators are designed to be used by trained or untrained persons.
First Aiders at FIT Lane Cove
All staff at FIT Lane Cove are First Aid Certified and they are competent in providing first aid.
FIT Lane Cove may require you to provide evidence that you hold an up-to-date Certification of Completion for first aid at any time during your services with FIT Lane Cove.
You must notify FIT Lane Cove in the event that you no longer hold an up-to-date Certification.