Edit your profile information
In the Deputy web application, on the right-hand side of the screen, there is an option to Edit Your Global Profile. Clicking this will take you to your Global Profile, which contains settings for your Deputy account.
Within your Global Profile, you can edit your personal details like:
- Adding a preferred name (this can be your first name, a nickname or however you’d like to be known in Deputy)
- Kiosk PIN (click "Show Me")
- Resetting your login password to Deputy
- Profile photo upload
- Date of Birth
- Contact Details including Emergency Contact
- You may also connect to Google and Facebook, which will allow you to sign in with the same email that you used to register with them.
Note: if you signed up and logged in via Facebook, Google or Apple, you will not be able to set your preferred name.
You can also edit your profile on the Deputy mobile apps.
If you tap on your photo on the top left of your Home screen (iOS) or the hamburger icon on the top left of any screen (Android) in the Deputy app you can:
- update your personal details
- switch over to access another business in Deputy (if you work at multiple organisations that all use Deputy)
- Log out from the App