Sometimes members may use an alternative email address to the one that they used when signing up. When they use a second email address a new profile will be created in Hubspot.
There may be times where a member or prospect email us through a different email address to the one we have on their membership account. If this is the case you can follow the steps below to merge the contacts.
Please note all timeline activities of both records will be merged and will appear on the primary contact record. In general, the most recent value for the LEAD STATUS property is adopted by the primary contact. This means that once you have merged the contacts you will need to update the LEAD STATUS back to the correct value.
- Find the PRIMARY contact (ie. the email address that is in Links) using the search function in Hubspot.
- Open the NEW CONTACT and copy the email address.
- Click MERGE.
- Search for the new email address that the member/prospect recently used to communicate with the team and click MERGE.
- *UPDATED* Adjust the LEAD STATUS back to the original status (ie. if they are a member then update to BECAME A MEMBER).
- Complete or delete any tasks that may have been merged from the new prospect contact as this will not be relevant anymore.
NOTE: The most recent values will be imported into the primary contact so please make sure to update the contact, once the merge has been completed, with the correct information.