Concierge Inbox & Tickets

This allows for greater transparency when working with a large group within the concierge team, as well as the ability to create automated tasks to follow-up, respond or connect with prospects and/or members.

One of the main areas of focus is the CONCIERGE INBOX which is where all of our comms are stored and managed on a daily basis. This is where you can find all recent and historical communications between prospects and members. The layout is similar to any email inbox including folders for recently sent emails, spam and trash.

General Inbox

The main comms that will come through the CONCIERGE INBOX will be general communications from prospects and members who email the concierge team directly to or completed the ‘contact us’ form or ‘cancellation request’ form. We will be able to see what comes through, who has been tasked (management or the concierge team), what the general enquiry is and responses. Responding is as simple as sending an email.

Once the conversation has been completed (ie. an outcome has been found, the member is happy with the conclusion, etc…) then you will need to CLOSE THE CONVERSION (top right).


As part of the Hubspot rollout we will be updating the ‘Cancellation Request’ page. When someone completed the Cancellation Request form their request will be treated similar to a help desk ticket. This ticket is stored within the TICKET section in Hubspot .

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