Code of Conduct & Ethics

FIT Lane Cove has always seen itself as a leader within our community. We pride ourselves on innovation, integrity, excellence and customer-centricity, and constantly strive to be the employer of choice in our community and beyond.

FIT Lane Cove has always seen itself as a leader within our community. We pride ourselves on innovation, integrity, excellence and customer-centricity, and constantly strive not only to be the health and fitness choice for our local community, but also the employer of choice in our community and beyond. FIT will carry on business honestly and fairly, acting only in ways that reflect well on the Company in strict compliance with all laws and regulations.

The Code of Conduct and Ethics (the Code) sets out the way FIT conducts business and how FIT expects its representatives to behave in the workplace and promote an increase in social responsibility and an improvement in management and in business culture.

The Code is an effective way to guide the behaviour of everyone in FIT by clearly stating FIT’s firm commitment to behaving honestly and fairly.  The Code applies to all FIT team members, including all employees, management, consultants, contractors and suppliers.

During the on-boarding process or within three months of commencing employment with FIT, and thereafter on an annual basis, all employees are required to sign and acknowledge the principals of the Code to show that they have understood and agree to comply with their obligations.


The Code is grounded in FIT’s fundamental values, which aligns FIT’s culture with its purpose/mission to ‘create amazing fitness experiences, in a world class facility with world class service”.

FIT’s key expected behaviours are summarised below which the business calls its Value Bands:

Teamwork We value communication, collaboration, inclusivity, and personal responsibility in everything that we do.
Excellence We are constantly striving to provide world class products, service and experiences to every member, every single day.
Attitude We value positivity, energy, conviction and integrity, and put in trust our fellow team members to do right by us and the team.
Members First We exist to create amazing fitness experiences, and are relentless in our pursuit of this by putting members at the forefront of everything we do.

Such a set of principles as this Code cannot be comprehensive.  If in doubt, FIT team members should ask themselves:

  • Do I believe the action I am taking is right – am I being fair, honest and respectful?
  • Is the action legal? (If in doubt, do not do it.)
  • Would I or FIT be embarrassed if my action was disclosed publicly?

If FIT team members are not sure that a proposed action is appropriate, they should ask their manager for guidance before acting. 

By following the Code, FIT team members will ensure that our reputation for high ethical standards is protected. 


It is the responsibility of all FIT team members to comply with this Code:

  • act with integrity – being honest, fair and trustworthy in all business dealings and relationships;
  • avoid conflicts between FIT’s interests and personal interests;
  • protect FIT’s business assets;
  • provide a safe exercise environment;
  • maintain appropriate professional boundaries;
  • respect and abide by our obligations to fellow employees, customers, suppliers, competitors and the communities in which FIT operates; 
  • act within the laws and regulations affecting business conduct. 

It is the responsibility of all FIT team members, including managers and other leaders, to ensure ethical conduct is recognised and valued throughout FIT.

We are committed to open and frank communication in FIT workplaces.  No FIT team member will be subject to retaliation by FIT by reporting, on reasonable grounds, a possible violation of this Code.  All FIT team members are encouraged to speak up about any unlawful, unethical or irresponsible behaviour.  

If in doubt about any action, employees should contact their manager for approval or guidance. 


FIT management team is responsible for the contents of the Code and its continuous updating.  If a significant amendment to the Code is made, a notice and description of the amendment will be emailed to all FIT team members.  

The Director, CEO and managers at all levels of FIT are responsible for ensuring that all FIT team members are aware of, understand and follow this Code.  Any significant deviation from the Code must be reported to the Director – with a report of action taken to correct the situation. 


Individuals or organisations consulting for, or representing FIT, must comply with this Code in the same way as FIT team members.  FIT team members who engage consultants should ensure that they are provided with a copy of relevant FIT policies, including this Code, and where possible include compliance with the Code as a contractual obligation.

Responsibility to Protect FIT’S Business and to Use Company Resources Correctly

All FIT team members must use their best efforts to protect FIT’s assets and other resources including plant, equipment and other valuable property including confidential information and intellectual property.

Managers are responsible for maintaining controls which:

  • prevent, detect and correct problems; and
  • ensure compliance with laws, regulations and FIT policies.

The use of FIT’s time, material, or facilities for purposes not directly related to company business, or the removal or borrowing of FIT’s property without permission is prohibited.  Incidental personal use of FIT’s resources such as computers, phones, copiers and internet access is permitted, but employees must ensure that FIT’s interests are not harmed. 

Avoiding Conflicts of Interest

FIT team members must avoid any situations involving divided loyalty or a conflict between their personal interests and those of FIT.  FIT team members faced with an actual or potential conflict of interest must discuss it with their manager.

In particular:

  • employees and any organisation in which they or their family have a significant interest must not compete with, or have business dealings with FIT without the consultation with the Director;
  • employees must not work or consult for, or have any other key role in an outside business organisation which has dealings with FIT;
  • employees must not use FIT's assets for any purpose other than for FIT's business purposes or interests;
  • employees must not make improper use of their employment with FIT, their position or role in FIT, or information obtained, to gain an advantage for themselves or anyone else; and
  • employees must not allow themselves to be in a position where they are working closely with family members, or people with whom they have a close personal relationship. This includes a reporting line (direct or indirect) or being involved in checking or validating the work of either a relative or person with whom they have a close personal relationship.

Using Social Media Responsibly 

All FIT team members are expected to use social media responsibly, respectfully and safely. FIT team members are representatives of our business and it is important to remember that content shared on social media can exist indefinitely and be seen by a much larger audience than intended.

More information is available on our Internet & Social Media Policy in the Employee Handbook.

Protecting Confidential Information

FIT team members are responsible to ensure that confidential information relating to customers, work colleagues and FIT operations and suppliers is properly protected. Such information cannot be shared, including via any form of social media (eg LinkedIn), unless allowed or required under relevant laws or regulation – or agreed by the person or organisation whose information it is.

Responsibility to Individuals

FIT is committed to the fair and equal treatment of all its people and abides by the Australian employment law.  FIT team members and candidates for employment shall be judged on the basis of their ability, behaviour and qualifications to carry out their job without regard to race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status or political belief or any other attributes protected by law.

FIT does not tolerate unlawful discrimination or harassment, including sexual, physical or verbal harassment or other demeaning behaviour against any individual or group of people. FIT does not tolerate violence or threats of violence.

FIT’s privacy policy is designed to protect privacy of personal information and other rights of individuals in accordance with law. FIT will only acquire personal information that is required to be effective in its business or is required by law.

Acting Responsibly on Workplace Health, Safety and the Environment

FIT regards management of workplace health, safety and the environment (WHSE) as an integral and very important part of our business.

FIT believes that all injuries, occupational illnesses and environmental incidents can be prevented. Management is accountable for safety and environment performance, and all FIT team members are expected to take personal responsibility, role model and be involved in setting standards and improvement initiatives.

FIT adopts a common approach to managing WHSE across FIT. This approach incorporates a Workplace Health, Safety & Environment WHSE Policy, company commitments, management system and reporting and auditing, which ensures that FIT and its team members are properly discharging their responsibilities.

All FIT team members are responsible for reporting safety and environmental hazards and work-related incidents and injuries.

WHSE Standards are to be adhered to by contractors as well as employees to ensure the safety and well-being of all people.

As part of providing a safe and healthy workplace, FIT will not tolerate employees or anyone else undertaking illegal activities onsite, including taking drugs onto our sites, nor employees (or anyone else) carrying out FIT business while impaired by drugs including alcohol. FIT actively discourages smoking by its workers, contractors and visitors. FIT is a smoke-free workplace.  Employees are not to wear uniform or identification badge while smoking off-site or in and around the surrounding local area.


FIT is committed to protecting the environment in which we operate by working towards minimising the impact of our activities on it. With reference to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, FIT is in the process of setting specific targets including reducing greenhouse gas emissions and waste production and the consumption of energy and water used within the club.

FIT Management are ultimately accountable for ensuring FIT’s compliance with our sustainability policies and environmental law and regulations. However, all FIT team members are expected to take personal responsibility by considering their actions, helping to implement sustainability standards and reporting environmental incidents to managers.

Acting Responsibly with Customers/MEMBERS, Suppliers and Others

The FIT team members dealing with customers/members or suppliers must fully comply with trade practices laws. If another employee or outside party suggests a breach of these laws this must be immediately reported to the CEO.

FIT’s success depends on the continued support of our customers/members. We must act in partnership with our customers/members for our mutual long-term benefit. FIT team members must not misrepresent our products, services or prices and must not make false claims about those of our competitors.

FIT will be fair and honest in our dealing with suppliers as set out in FIT’s Supplier Code of Conduct

Responsibility to the Community

FIT is committed to being a responsible corporate citizen. We recognise our responsibility to deal effectively and appropriately with the communities in which we operate.

We are committed to interacting and building relationships with a number of local community organisations in line with our commitment to operate in a sustainable manner. 

Complying with the Law

FIT will only conduct business by lawful and ethical means. Legal responsibilities change and employees at all levels must keep themselves informed and comply with all legal responsibilities. 

In particular, depending on their individual responsibilities, FIT team members must be familiar with employment or workplace health, safety and environment laws and regulations as well as the policy and responsibilities for safety, health and the environment in FIT.

If employees do not understand their responsibilities and obligations, they must seek guidance from their manager. 

Reporting Incidents and Non-Compliance with this Code

FIT is committed to conducting business honestly and with integrity, and takes the expected behaviours and responsibilities outlined under this Code very seriously. All FIT team members are encouraged to speak up about any dishonest, unlawful, unethical or inappropriate behaviour. Any FIT team members who become aware of a possible breach of this Code should report this to their manager of their area.  

Such reports will be treated confidentially to the extent possible.  FIT will deal with the matter openly and according to applicable laws.  FIT team members will not be subject to retaliation or disadvantage by reason of a bona fide report of possible non-compliance. 


All reports and records prepared or maintained pursuant to this Code will be considered confidential and shall be maintained and protected accordingly. Except as otherwise required by law or this Code or in the course of investigating any alleged violation of this Code, such matters shall not be disclosed to anyone other than management and legal counsel.

Penalties for Breaches of the Code

Adherence to this Code and FIT’s policies is a condition of employment at FIT.  Breaches of the Code will be subject to disciplinary action including termination of employment in accordance with FIT’s Displinary Policy.