Cancellation Process

When a member has requested to cancel their membership and they have completed the Cancellation Request form a ticket will be created in Hubspot. This is where we will be able to review and monitor all cancellation requests moving forward. You will be responsible for making sure that you have CLOSED the ticket only once the cancellation request has been approved and actioned. 

  1. You will receive an email, phone call or face to face request from the member requesting to cancel.
    1. If email or phone - send member the templated email Cancellation Request.
    2. If in person - follow the standard procedures and complete the necessary paperwork.
  2. Once the member has completed the Cancellation Request form an email will come through Hubspot’s INBOX and a TICKET will be created. 
  3. Follow the standard process and procedures and complete the necessary paperwork.
  4. Once the cancellation request has been actioned update their LEAD STATUS to CANCELLED.
  5. Update the TICKET STATUS to CLOSED.
  6. Within the member’s CONTACT page, email the member with confirmation that their membership has been cancelled using the template Cancellation Finalised through Hubspot’s INBOX.
Make sure that you also update the MEMBER CANCEL DATE which can be found below the LEAD STATUS.